
Stars office on map resident evil 2 remake
Stars office on map resident evil 2 remake

X is too close to get away from, you can "bait" out his slow forward lunging punch by strafing him - as he is slow to recover and stand up from that attack, and can't stop you from passing until he stands back up straight.

stars office on map resident evil 2 remake

X does not know your current location, he will begin patrolling most of the main hallways and the Main Hall, but rarely checks the smaller side rooms unless he already knows your location. With certain "surround" audio setups, you can hear exactly where the Tyrant is in the building. X's footsteps if he's nearby, and consider yourself safe from him when you can't hear him. Here are some additional tips to avoid Mr. Watchman's Room and Break Room Hall (1F).If so, leave the room briefly and return to get him walking again.

stars office on map resident evil 2 remake

The Tyrant will pass right by you in the following rooms - or he might just stop outside of them.

Stars office on map resident evil 2 remake